Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Farmers' Diary2

#WeSpeakAndAct #FarmersDiary
This is a Yam Farmland.
Some few people believe yam is pluck on the tree. These are
the same type of people who lead us but have no idea of
where we hail from not to talk of what we live on.
Our farmers today farm on same piece of land over and over
again and again. Now, farm produce are no longer What they
use to be. The government that ordinarily should provide or
make fertilizer available to local farmers are busy growing
pot belly. The story of our are farmers are best told by
themselves and not some political handbags used for fake
political reports and election manipulation.
Will our leaders take time to make an unannounced visit to
genuine farmers and ask them honest questions?
#Ayemafrica #GrassRoot #Development

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