Wednesday 10 October 2012


My name is Semiye Michael
I am glad to reach through this platform;

A friend of mine ran to me few days back. Do you want to know what we talked about? I will tell you now. She wanted to put in for Immigration recruitment exercise. So I asked her why? She said it’s good she try her luck. She will do same when the Civil Defense is out and will be watching out for Road Safety’s own while trying other opportunities around.

What is wrong with the above illustration? May be nothing and may be everything is just wrong with it. I asked my friend why trying everywhere.  She replied that she needed a job. I asked her again if she just knew she will need one. She said no. so what exactly did you initially planned to become in your life? At this point, she smiled and blamed all on the state of the nation.
What about you? What has changed the beautiful plans you once had and so much cherished? Where is your dream? What happened to your life? Are you doing what you love to do or what is simply made available for you? Imagine when a Medical Doctor ends up been security agent, what do we have there? Accountants now are church founders while Bankers turning drivers. Yes! The nation is sick. But are you also sick?
Wealth is a function of passion. What you do out of frustration will earn you frustration. What is the meaning of life?
Often time today we see workers going to work without any specific duty or task in mind. People now go to work just to find if there will be anything for them to do. We have offices where staffers don’t even have schedule of duty. That is to say; they just go to work as messengers. Why are we into all this? The value for purpose has been thrown away and people are just fighting to survive.
I have always refused to be pushed to the wall. In my article; “if you think you have tried enough” I shed light on what it means to know what you want and pursue it with passion. Your reason to back out is the same reason not to quit. Whatever you do because you think you don’t have option will give your life benefits you will never be able to protest against. You do have a choice. Stop following the crowd. You must refuse to alter the journey of your life due to pressures around.

          THINGS TO DO NOW!
ü Reinvent your dream and do it now.
ü Write out what your original career is and promise not to betray yourself again.
ü Figure out what you have done in the past to achieve your goal but fail.
ü Do a list of honest things you need to do to get to where you want to be.
ü Itemize the things you identified as possible obstacles on your way.
ü For each of these obstacles, think of what you can do to solve them and make sure you write them out clearly.
ü Talk to good people about your efforts and seek for help where necessary.
I will be glad to talk to you if it will help.
I want you to know that if you prepare yourself good enough, you will always decide your income in life. I am not where I want to be at the moment; but I am also not where I don’t want to be. I am ever investing on myself and that has helped me a great deal. I get offers from people I have to beg to let go of me because I have focus and not just looking for money doing what I am not in love with.
It is amazing and fun fill if you can package yourself to deliver at an exceptional level. Delivery is the name of the game. No one will hire a liability. Organizations are in need of smart and portable people, People that are well ahead of time, People who can deliver without unnecessary pressure and People that can produce not just excellent results but amazing outcomes and delivery.
You can now see why you are so scared. You have some more work to do if you will break the jinks. Stop looking for everything. Start looking for something you have always wanted.
You are where you are today because of certain things you did either wrong or right in the past. You will also be somewhere else in some time to come. You have the power to turn the future in your favour by doing some set of things the right way. You can turn the table for your benefit. For me; it hurts to follow the crowd doing the wrong thing as pertaining destiny.
You have right there in your mind, the things you have always wanted to be. You are not doing anybody a favour by turning them on. In fact; you are rather provoking destiny to answer for you. It is a sin to quit. Please think not only of yourself. Destinies are hanging on you. Do all you need to do and become the super mover you are meant to be.
The next time you attend any interview, confidently tell them that you are what they need to get to where they want to be. Do you know why? The combination of all that you are carrying is called; SUCCESS.


Anonymous said...

i hope you are not trailing me?
this is talking to me.
am just confused. may b i need to talk to u Semiye. things are pretty hard and man must survive.

Anonymous said...

sure my friend. Naija is a wicked land. can one follow d first dream thing here?
ok o. John Oki.

Eme Achanga said...

lol nice one though the state of this country got doctors turning to comedians.
Im still on track though.