Friday 5 October 2012

Your clear vision is your seed of PROSPERITY.

Your clear vision is your seed.
·          Semiye Michael
·          08067616185
*Without a clear and precise vision of exactly what it is you want, you’ll never reach it or have it!

*Prosperity is not MONEY…. Prosperity is fulfilment.
Its content include; service, impact and physical wealth.

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

Why vision is key to your place in life;
«The universe operates by natural laws, exact precision, and perfect order. Our vision, then, must also be precise and exact in our mind in order for whatever we need to be attracted and shown to us by the intelligent forces that govern all of creation.
Ø "You can and should shape your own future; because if you don't someone else surely will."
Ø "No one will thank you for taking care of the present if you have neglected the future." 

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

Steps in creating and achieving your own vision
Step 1:  Develop a very clear picture of the results you want. In other words, develop a vision of success for how to market your life and what you are carrying. What would a successful marketing pro-gram look like? Write it down.

Step 2:  Assess where you and your LIFE are currently. Ask yourself what is your current reality in relation to the vision you have designed in Step 1. Write it down. 
·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

Step 3: Do a list of must-do things to achieve your vision.
e.g......... Music!!!! Starting an NGO

Step 4: Do your positive thinking scheme work.
e.g....... raising fund.
Be realistic and over optimism.... no exaggeration.

Step 5: Start work and don’t stop until you are done.
·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

*What you mould in your heart you can hold in your hands!

*Our minds are like a canvas. The artist is our imagination. The tools are our senses. Our response creates the doors to our destiny. We are full of power. We can bring life to our destiny by the words that we speak.

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

Errors of vision projects – Mentalities that destroy vision

1.            Perfectionist Mentality: for a business to succeed, everything has to be perfect!
“the difference between ordinary income and extra ordinary income is FAST IMPLEMENTATION”
*Perfectionists don’t make meaningful impact in life.
(the first computer and the modern ones)

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

2.            Complexity Mentality: for any business to be successful financially it has to be complicated and difficult. (very wrong)

3.            Scarcity Mentality: there is a limited supply of clients and therefore I cannot succeed. (engage your thinking cap)

4.            Over Dependence Mentality: if only my parents will help! If only my in-law will approve of this! If only my friend can loan me this money! If only I have a degree.....e.t.c
·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

5.           Money is Evil Mentality:
·      Making money is a bad thing.
·      Rich people are bad.
·      It is wrong to live comfortably.
·      I have to work hard for money.
·      It is wrong to charge people for my services.
The lack of money is the father of all evil – semiye Michael

Threats to your vision project

The first sets of people to watch out for on this list are:
vYour parents
vYour sibling
vYour friends
vYour professional colleagues
vYour close associates e.t.c
v  Semiye Michael
v  08067616185
Then the enemies
These enemies include:
v     Your physical limitations
v     Your background
v     Your environment
v     Your fears
v     People

Vision Boosters
·     Investment on self improvement
·     Networking
·     Sharing
·     Acting

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185
Scope of vision
You can create a vision for any area of your interest......
1.            Your small business
2.            Your career
3.            Even your idea
4.            Your marriage
5.            Your life.............
Your clear vision is your seed. Choose it wisely and precisely, and riches beyond your imagination in every area of your life shall be yours.

·          Semiye Michael
·         08067616185

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