Tuesday 10 July 2012

Amazing town in Nigeria; where people allegedly turned STATTUETES

Amazing town in Nigeria; where people allegedly turned STATTUETES

ESIE is town suburb town to Oro in Kwara State. our crew took time out to visit the historic site and its quite revealing. We saw these statuettes and as difficulty as it is to belief, every observable observation that we underscored there provided clue that the story might just be real.

The stones are in human form and do not appeared carved. They are real rocky stones and that suggests a hell of impossibility to carve. They are also so many that one can doubt if such quantity of images could be carved. Another thing is the type of instrument that would carve a stone at such level of art perfection. Honestly, there are so many proofs that the statuettes are human.

Lessons to learn from the whole thing.
Nothing is new on earth. If according to the history behind the stone could be trusted, the most of fashions have been long exhausted. The kinds of hair style on the stones are amazing and classic. Then, men carry the most fashionable hair style. Ear rings and hand bangles. Tribal marks and even chairs are amazingly designed and used. What is new in our modern world?

May be technology! But the kind of traditional technologies our fore-fathers engaged during their time, although more strenuous but less health hazardous. Life is truly becoming more and more complex yet life has not transformed into an embodiment of joy and satisfaction.

Cameras were not allowed into the site but I recommend that your next holiday trip should include a day or two to ESIE TOWN.

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